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The difference between Aluminium Facade vs Aluminium Curtain Wall.


Updated: May 3, 2024

Aluminium facade or aluminium curtain wall; did you know what it meant? I'd like to help with a quick explanation of the difference between aluminium facade vs aluminium curtain wall..

What is an aluminum curtain wall?

A curtain wall is defined as thin, usually aluminum-framed wall, containing in-fills of glass, metal panels, or thin stone. The framing is attached to the building structure and does not carry the floor or roof loads of the building. Also in the most basic sense of the term, the curtain wall is any non-load-bearing exterior wall that hangs (like a curtain) from the floor slabs. Curtain wall can be 25 feet or higher, depending on the design of the building. Curtain wall typically spans multiple floors and is usually front glazed. It also incorporates a self-draining system. (see also picturebox)

What is aluminium facade?

Aluminium facade systems; a facade is considered the face of a building and is often seen as one of the most important design aspects, it not only protects the interior of a building from various climates, it is also the building's main feature or frontage. (see also picturebox)

Also Polatoglu Metal Corporation, providing the premium-quality Aluminium Curtain Wall - Aluminium Facade Works products import and from design to manufacturing and installation has been offering qualified servicing at their factory in Azerbaijan Baku city particularly.

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Ercin Polat
Ercin Polat
Apr 12, 2020

An academic writing about Aluminium Façade! I made it myself!

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